The Grand Lodge of Paraná adopted solid guidelines for the development of Masonic Social Action, guiding and permanently contributing with its Lodges and members through the Grand Secretariat of Social Action and respective Regionals. According to the Grand Lodge of Paraná Constitution, it will be able to maintain, protect and create schools, cultural institutions, hospitals, outpatient clinics, daycare centers, nursing homes, summer camps, including collaborating with Masonic entities, Lodges or similar organizations.

Developing Masonic Social Action throughout the Paraná State, the Grand Lodge of Paraná makes use of the Masonic Philanthropic Policy, aimed at fraternal social activities, as an expression of love for the next and human solidarity. It seeks to make a difference in every act of social action practiced, always with planning, consistency and in partnership with its Jurisdiction’s Lodges.

Philanthropy demands efforts to promote the concrete strengthening of society, linked to planned, organized and efficient actions, to generate effective change and social impact.
With the philanthropy model in place, Grand Lodge of Paraná will apply its philosophy to the social aspects and through its members, duly prepared for the exercise of citizenship, taking into regional demands. Using management and planning tools, The Grand Lodge of Paraná contributes to the search for solutions that give effectiveness to the constitutional objectives according to which everyone must to assure the right of a free, fair and solidary society.

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